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A runway cruise missile thingy

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Let's get straight to the point, nothing to see here:


The runway cruise missile thingy (i'm good with names, I know) is, well:

  1. a cruise missile
  2. on the runway
  3. not based on the v-1, honest
  4. pretty accurate 
  5. not bad aerodynamics
  6. looks cool probably
  7. has a srb booster to get it into the air quicker and seperatrons to speed up just before hitting the target
  8. thankfully not kerballed (no kamikaze this time)
  9. has pretty good range and speed
  10. made in a DMP server

hopefully you are targeting baddies and not the KSC

okay so here's the download:


Update 1: Experimented with Canards, found they gave much better control, added them.

(you don't want to know the pain of adding pictures and tags without kerbalx crashing on me, after I spent a good hour and a half just getting those in order)


Edited by Grand Ship Builder
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OP, you need to try the "how fast can I get to the Airfield island?" challenge. Build something with insane TWR and just enough fuel to reach the island. And don't forget the heat protection ;-)

I watched the one Scott Manley did a few years ago, he did it in 54 seconds. ( I optimized the design down to 52 lol ). Recently, on 1.2 I think, I tried it again and had huge heat issues and by no means got close to that time with a similar rocket. If crazy means of transport are your thing you absolutely should dig into that!

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