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Chinese Space Program (CNSA) & Ch. commercial launch and discussion


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More than that, "Lingxi-03 is a flat-panel stacked satellite installed with flexible solar arrays and active thermally controlled fluid loops. It's the first Chinese satellite to use flexible solar arrays. And is also the technical verification of China's in-orbit launch technology for multiple satellite stacking. It will provide support for the rapid deployment of China's future superstar low-orbit communications satellite constellation.", China Space News said.


The CCTV journalists visited the company who produced Lingxi-03. On his left hand is the rigid solar panel and right hand is the flexible one. The chief designer said that the whole solar array would fold 12 times but thanks to its thinness, the whole satellite stacks up to no more than 30cm. (The video link, but English subs are unavailable)

Meanwhile, this launch also put on the grid fins to control the wreckage drop zone once again.


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On 7/12/2023 at 10:12 AM, steve9728 said:

 The next step for Landspace is put the payload - a real satellite on their third rocket, the ZQ-2 Y3 rocket. if I remember correctly, this rocket is basically assembled in the last report.



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The low-temperature bursting test on the common bulkhead propellant tanks for CZ-10 has been completed.

"...Successively overcome the propellant tank high-precision pressure control, overpressure explosion, and other difficult problems. To achieve the upper and lower fuel tank hydrogen, nitrogen, and helium three kinds of pressurized gas free switching. Strongly guarantee the reliable operation of the test system, and ultimately the successful completion of the four low-temperature static tests and one low-temperature bursting test."

"In addition, in order to ensure the safety of personnel, important equipment, and facilities at the test site, an exceptionally reliable flame-retardant explosion-proof blanket designed independently by 'our institute' (Original word. It's 101 Institue of 6th Academy of CASC, aka Beijing Aerospace Testing Technology Research Institue) was used during the test. Which effectively blocked the explosion shock wave generated during the blasting process and the damage caused by the high-speed fragmentation of the propellant tank cutting and provided a safe and reliable test environment for the researcher."

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On 6/29/2023 at 6:22 PM, steve9728 said:

... "Currently, the launch tower of site No.1 is ongoing the installation of the mount base for the rotating platform. Construction of No.2 and 3 are being accelerated."



Wait, your short "lovely" rocket design is... really serious?

Qu Wei(曲伟), member of PCC, and researcher of 11 Academy of CASC: GW (Guowang,国网) satellite constellation program is expected to launch 13000 satellites. 

"The altitude of GW's orbits will be lower than American's Starlink. This will, to a considerable extent, avoid overlaps and collisions and ensure safe distances. Lower-orbit satellites have the advantages of being highly resistant to destruction, flexible in deployment, having a large transmission capacity, and being unaffected by terrain."

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Need to say that it’s pretty hot right now in southern China. Some kind of “good news” is since 17 July a typhoon has passed by Wenchang, followed by two typhoons last week and this week, both of which have brought a lot of rainy weather to the costal part of China.

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Jia Hongguang(贾宏光), founder and CEO of Jilin Changguang Satellite: Jinlin-1 satellite constellation will achieve 138 satellites in orbit by the end of this year and have the ability to revisit any point on the globe within 10 minutes. By the end of 2025, the number of satellites in orbit will increase to 300. The company also plans to further expand its business into the field of rocket development, in order to break the "bottleneck" of insufficient launch capacity faced by China's commercial spaceflight.

Report link: http://news.haiwainet.cn/n/2023/0731/c3541093-32637099.html

But the interesting part to me is, the report describes a "science exhibition area" in their factory where you can see the entire satellite production plant in progress through a large glass window: "To our reporter's surprise, in the popular science exhibition area, through the clean, fully enclosed large glass windows, you can overlook the satellite operations workshop. Where the layout of the furnishings, equipment, and personnel on-site operations briefly. In order to help visitors better understand the relevant knowledge, large glass windows next to the wall, but also posted on the workshop process involved in the specific introduction and explanation, some also with a number of high-definition flow charts."

Now you know a tourist attraction that would surprise even the locals - "How did you know this place was so interesting".

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And some SAR images about the flood Hebei


The flood this time broke the record - the last one like this happened in August 1963. Three rivers with only 4~5 m³/sec during the dry season and rainy season floods averaging a few hundred m³/sec converge in a flash with a flow of 7,500 m³/sec, and then the flood peaks reach the city, which is located on a flooded alluvial fan, from a mountain range with an elevation of 1,500 meters, almost at the same time. Fortunately, many local people I can see on social media have claimed with other netizens from elsewhere that they were basically evacuated by the local authorities two days early to somewhere safe. But yeah... I saw quite a lot flooded vehicles today...

Meanwhile, there's also flooding in northeastern provinces, and had an earthquake at magnitude 5.5 last night in Shandong.

Welcome to Earth

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CMS: Shenzhou-16 carried some Arundo, which is the species carried by the Shenzhou-10 mission ten years ago. "By this Shenzhou-16 carried to space again, we hoped that the performance of rutabaga varieties will be further improved, e.g., varietal resistance and yield."

"Arundo plays an important role in the fields of fuel, ecological restoration, panels, paper making, and feed. As an environmentally friendly fuel, it produces fewer harmful substances in the combustion process and has high ecological benefits. Which has a broad market application prospect. It's a highly resilient plant with tenacious vitality, able to withstand the production conditions of salty and alkaline soils. And its root system not only improves the physical characteristics of the soil but also produces a large amount of organic matter to make the soil fertile. The high integrated cellulose content of Arundo stalks and the ease of processing exceeds that of bamboo with the same strength, making it a good raw material for panels. And Arundo panels are lighter in quality, lower in cost, and stronger, so they can be used for container baseboards or car baseboards. The length of Arundo fibers is superior to that of reeds, and the longer fibers have a stronger tensile strength of paper and are tear-resistant, making them a high-quality raw material for papermaking. It has a high annual yield and can be harvested 2-3 times a year, with high crude protein content, making it a good silage"

More economical reeds?

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6 hours ago, tater said:


Despite the good work on the 3D modeling, there is still a little bit of detail:

  • There's no docking port but an airlock on Tianhe Core Module's III quadrant - which means there's no way for Xuntian the telescope to dock there.
  • The angle of exposure experiment platforms at the end of the Mengtian Module is 180° not 90°.
  • Both solar arrays at the end of the MT and WT modules weren't correct

More accurate one:


via. https://weibo.com/7394207363/MyTFdcW3d

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Full video in 03:11: Tiangong TV S05E14: Let's Go Through the Modules!

(Tiangong TV S05E13: The Gears Are Turning! Basic Space Fluid Mechanics Experiment in Progress, S05E12: First workout of the fall. Let's go?)





Ha, I just give LandSpace a little support:lol:



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August 21, 2023, at 1:45 CST, CZ-4C Y56 successfully launched Gaofen-12 04 satellite from JSLC. The satellite entered the predetermined orbit. It's mainly used in the fields of land census, urban planning, land right determination, road network design, crop estimation, and disaster prevention and mitigation.


The mission patch this time:



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