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Standard intro title mk1-A2E3


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I got the demo a while back, and after a few dozen mun landings with demo parts I finally decided to just buy the game already! I must say it's a lot easier landing on landing gear than wingtips. I don't have pictures at the moment of my landers, but my current setup for my most reliable lander is:

Lander: 1.5 tanks, adv SAS, mk1 pod (on the sides it carries two 1.5 fuel tanks that can be modified as beacons and dropped on the moon's surface)

Launch stage: 3x big solid boosters, 3x 1.5 droppable fuel tanks,

all attached to 9xfuel tanks and 3 main thrusters.

This setup I've been able to land on both Minumus, then on Mun, then return with not only fuel to spare, but also with the entire lander intact on Kerbin's surface.

I've also been able to modify it and stick satellites to the front and lift them into orbit with some success. So far I'm stock though, so workin only with vanilla parts before I really mess with mods. Maybe I'll get pictures eventually.

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Ok I can't figure out the spoiler tags so I'll do a few here of my projects

First, landed near the arch, why's by Kerbal not there? I went to investigate the arch, and he poofed away when I went under it.... I theorize it may be like a wormhole or something in a future update. It's big enough to fly something large through it if you REALLY tried. So now my empty rocket is stuck there as a rescue pod for crashed missions I guess. The empty silos on the ground also act as beacons to show me where the arch is


My standard launcher for one guy. I can modify it to carry a payload on the front too.


An example of a payload mission, in this case a satellite to the moon


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