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Landing Legs

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Spent most of last night, unsuccessfully, trying to get my new landing legs to function properly. Can anyone tell me what is going on with the two animations? I think I have everything set up right besides I'm not sure what the second animation is. animationTrfName = miniLeg
  animationStateName = probeleg

Is the second animation related to suspension and what happens to the leg when it hits the ground? 

Edited by harrisjosh2711
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Can anyone tell me what is important about deployTargetTransformName? How it relates to the animation. This is currently what I have. The legs are activating with G. But, I'm assuming, the wheel collider is causing this. I copied a pic I found on the forums that had the deployTgt  and suspensionTgt high above the leg. I believe it said they were just empty gameobjects. I suspect the location of these or my confusion to what is what is causing this.


Edited by harrisjosh2711
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