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KSP Keostationary Orbits broken

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1 hour ago, Mayer said:

What if you did geostationary orbit with 4 satellites(added redundancy)? That way the network should work even when spacing is broken.

I find the extra groundstation option/cheat quite lame because it destroys the incentive to have a satellite network or any satellite around kerbin. Also they display as anomalies on KerbNet..

4 satellites will still permit gaps in coverage; while the probability of a gap in coverage is reduced, you're still going to get effectively random misalignment over time if you don't either use station-keeping burns or orbit editing.

There is also still incentive to put a communication network around Kerbin; if you want to communicate with stuff on the surface of Kerbin or in very low orbit, you still want an orbital constellation to rebroadcast signal back to the surface. I've had a mission fail in the past because I neglected to consider that the probe was going out of LoS of the KSC station and the next ground station wouldn't appear until after I'd reentered atmosphere.

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Huh?  In my KSP around Kerbin is total coverage with the groundstations, probes have constant contact with 2/3 stations, the CommNet line can even go slightly outside LoS through the planet. That was without relay network.

I saw only 2 cases of connection loss: When far away Kerbin, going outside range of antenna+station level or behind a object like the Mun without relay.

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