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KSP exploration contracts getting annoying


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I've finished my first Eve/Gilly mission in my current career save, and what does the next exploration contract entail? Go back to Gilly, where I've already been, and transfer crew between vessels, which I've already done. I think to myself, "I'll just warp time and hopefully get that Jool or Bop contract". I do that, what do I see? Transfer crew between vessels around Ike, which I did ages ago. Warp again, "Dock around Mun", already done that. It's giving me repeated contracts to do mundane tasks that I've done before and I'm not getting contracts to go any further than Duna, and it's really beginning to annoy me.

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Offering contracts to places you hadn't been before used to be a big problem.  "Landed on the mun?  Great!  We want Duna now.  Your finances and tech level are irrelevant.  We believe in you!"

Send little probes to places you want to go and it might take the hint.

There's also that world firsts track/thingy in the admin building which increases the rewards for world records.  That may help fund some exploration.

Edited by Corona688
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To add to what Corona688 said, if, instead of timewarping to get rid of unwanted contracts, you decline contracts the system will better learn your preferences and will generate less of the contracts you don't want. The contract generator was updated  some time ago to provide that functionality.

Note: There may be a small reputation penalty for declining depending on your difficulty settings. It should be relatively inconsequential, and the trade off is likely more contracts that are of interest to you.

Edited by Mako
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Problem is explore Duna and explore Jool are they same type and rejecting Duna makes Jool less likely.  I recommend the mod Strategio or something along those line.  RP-0 is also very good about giving GOAL contracts vs JOB contracts, but that is a whole nother beast

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