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Test TR-2C Stack Separator landed at minmus - can't complete contract

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I have a contract which literly don't get completed.

"Test TR-2C Stack Separator landed at minmus"

I have seen a "Test XYZ" option on a item i needed to test when i matched the test-conditions. I don't see a "test" button in one of the stack seperators.

The Contract has 2 conditions: Landed and Minmus. I am at Minmus and i am landed (both has green marks). I have 2 of the stack separators on board - one really build in another stage and one at the top of the rocket.


Currently my attempt to upload any picture to  my new created account on imgur.com failed with Chrome, Firefox and Edge - no luck today...



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Use the staging button to fire off one of the stack separators? If neither staging a separator nor running a test completes the contract, and you have the correct part in the correct situation, then you have a bug, and I'd just use the alt-F12 debug menu to complete it.

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As @Starman4308 says, staging should work for any part that doesn't have a "test" button.

However, do be careful to actually stage (using space bar). I'm pretty certain that using the right-click window to manually fire a decoupler/separator will not work... or at least I definitely had to restart a mission recently because I did that and the contract didn't complete.

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I just completed a contract today that was "test a TR-38D suborbital at the Mun (between 200 and 210 km altitude)."  Built it into a rocket, flew it to a crash course with the Munar surface, hit the space bar to stage it, and the contract completed.  Never had a test button at any time, even when all four conditions (have a TR-38D, Mun, Suborbital, 200,000 to 210,000 m) were met.  Space bar did the trick, though.

I had some test buttons in early career, maybe they just don't bother with them for staging decouplers.

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