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PS4 - How to scale the orbital (Apo and Peri) info on the map view?

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First post after just a little while playing the enhanced edition. When looking at the settings from the pause menu, I can see that many UI elements can be scaled up to be very large, in fact I scaled them back a bit as I don't need to have them so large even though my TV isn't the biggest.

But the most important information on the screen; the information that I actually need to see, is too small for me to see. I'm talking about the Apoapsis and Periapsis when hovering over those indicators on the map view. By default these are the only data on the map view that are too small to see, but they are also the only things on the map view that I can't work out how to scale! I know that on the PC version there is an total UI scale that does make these numbers larger, but sitting next to a monitor I don't need that as I can see them.

Can someone let me know how I can change the scale here please. I just can't see unless I stand and walk across the room to get close enough. I'm hoping that as other UI elements can be scaled to be so fantastically huge, there is indeed an option to scale the most vital information when using the map.

Thank you in advance. 


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