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Contracts disappear and Tech tree nodes reset

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I few times I have selected a contract and when leaving and going to the VAB the contract doesn't show up.  I would go back to mission control and have to reselect the contract.  The last contract was to ferry 2 tourists to orbit, went and built my ferry ship and tried to board the tourists and they weren't there.  So I went back to MC to select the contract again and it wasn't there at all.

I have also had this happen when unlocking the tech tree,  I would unlock a node, go to VAB and the parts would not be there,  I would then have to go back to R&D and unlock node again.  This usually only happens once and the probalem doesn't happen again once parts show up in VAB, but has happened on a couple of different nodes.


Edited by OrganizedChaos
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