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Maneuver node fine adjustment issue

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My major gripe with the new version is the maneuver node handling.

Edit: This is on Xbox with both Radial and Cursor presets.

Don't get me wrong, overall it is better than the last one, I love how much easier it is to slide them along the orbit.

#1: when sliding it along the orbit, fine tuning mode is with LB off, and fast mode is with LB held. That's the opposite of how it works elsewhere.

#1A: there is a huge difference between fast and slow. it would be great if maybe LB could toggle between 3 speed scales, maybe minutes, hours, days, something like that

#2: when you are adjusting your axes, there is no fine tuning, since LB switches axes. You have to be very careful with the thumbstick to make small adjustments.

It would be great if another button could cycle axes, and LB could be for fine tuning. And as I said, it might be nice to have three speeds, like fine, normal, fast maybe changing by a factor of 10 with each or something

Edited by palesius
make title clearer
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