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I love Enhanced Edition, I hate Trim.

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I’ve tried all three controller presets on the Xbox and every one has the exact same problem. Trim is so easy to set, even a brand new player could set it by accident! Then to make matters worse, resetting it takes some complicated combination of buttons all at once that you have to look up how to do in the controller presets and more often than not trying to fix it screws you up just as bad as the trim did during flight. I literally can’t even take off from Kerbin half the time without this messing me up. I know all I’m doing is rambling but do we really need trim? Is it really necessary? Is there any way to get rid of it? Can we find some way to get this information to the devs? What do I have to do???

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Agreed on this, have ended up with rapidly spinning capsules etc on the few launches I've tried.

I like the idea of the trim system, however:

1. setting it needs to be different - i.e. an incremental move in a given direction or "Match current controller setting", currently the adjustment is way to rapid to be actually usable

2. resetting needs to be easier - both the neutral and "current controller settings"

3. it needs to be decoupled from the controller buttons related to the throttle, almost something like a single button that is "match current settings", with the same button "press & hold" being "clear", not a system shower you can "fine tune" all three axis, way too rapidly to be useful while trying to do something else

4. have a control allowing "trim" to be locked so it can be disabled (with on screen indication LED or something) so when you really don't want it you can lock out the controls - note this to lock the controls, not the function (so you can set trim, then lock it)

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