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PS4 Pro / Xbox One X Version of this game?

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Please can we get a more powerfull enhanced version of this game with runs better one the PS4 Pro and the XBox ONE X? Are there any plans to use this more powerfull consoles, specially the ONE X has about 5-6 times the power of the old ONE and this power needs to be used in this game.

Edited by Monkey-CH
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I'm also curious about this I have the scorpio/one x (I hate the name, scorpio is way better, plus I have an actual scorpio edition  so:confused:)

But yeah would be great to see the extra power being utilized. 

Long shot,but maybe even pc version/ version with mod support. 

That is, if it can run the same as a mid spec pc(as it has been compared to by others more clued up about pc) then I think we could get access to a version with mod support/ just  better performance at high part count.

Also I've mentioned this before but it means you can get aroung the whole not being able to release a game on the scorpio if it can't be run on the xbox one bull. ( basically they've held back development of games that could be released on the scorpio  because of the ridiculous one family policy. Imo.)

Maybe something for the devs to think about:D. I'm really not too bothered about most mods, but tbh I think mechjeb/kerbal engineer ( the one with dv readouts etc)should really be a core part of the stock game by this point.

Further than that then I can understand why other mods  wont be added to console version. And would personally prefer to see more funding/development going toward a KSP 2. Also before anyone else tries to say there would be no market for a KSP 2. I believe there is a massive amount of people who would pay for a new game with better atmospheric visuals, base modules, kerbal attachments, more difficulty options like kerbal food and water requirements. Etc I could go on all day so I'm sure the devs would come up with plenty more things that could be improved/ added.

Anyway that got off topic a bit:confused:

But yeah come on scorpio +pspro support please.

I'll concede that ksp2 might be a pipe dream , but that won't stop me dreaming.

Edited by mikey117
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If I had to guess which one is most likely to happen between One X/PS4 Pro version, mods on consoles, and KSP 2, I would guess KSP 2. Even if I didn't think KSP 2 was likely, the other two seem even more unlikely. I wouldn't be upset to be wrong, but I strongly doubt mods or X/Pro versions will ever happen for this title.

At any rate, even if I was wrong I would hope that the priorities right now are fixing the problems that people are experiencing, from outright bugs to inadequate communication about how the game controls and functions.

Edited by Mako
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you would have thought that if the game has performance based internal limiting factors, that on the uprated consoles those limits could be changed, much more though and you're into a split code base, which causes more problems than it solves.

but KSP 2 being aimed at the uprated ones would make sense though

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