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Race To The Pole

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Wow ssTALONps, 11 engines and you manage the entire flight on just over three tanks of fuel, I had a go and couldn't even come close to that.

Are you using edited parts or exploiting a fuel bug or something?

I don't know how you did it but well done.

Did you manage to stick a landing yet? (edit: never mind, just saw page three)

Also, are parachutes allowed to speed up the landing process?

Edited by DEADBEEF
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you manage the entire flight on just over three tanks of fuel

oh it's actually 5 Mk 3 fuselages and 9 engines in final design :)

no editing or hax as I didn't exploited any bugs, especially fuel consumption bug!!! check the screenshots; I just full throttled...

and I think drag chute is kinda useless... but you may want to try it :)

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oh it's actually 5 Mk 3 fuselages and 9 engines in final design :)

no editing or hax as I didn't exploited any bugs, especially fuel consumption bug!!! check the screenshots; I just full throttled...

and I think drag chute is kinda useless... but you may want to try it :)

Not sure about your KSP but in mine 5 mk3s only allow for 312.5 seconds of 100% throttle on 9 turbojet engines. Magic? Notepad.exe?

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Not sure about your KSP but in mine 5 mk3s only allow for 312.5 seconds of 100% throttle on 9 turbojet engines. Magic? Notepad.exe?

omg... my quick inspection on my design revealed that I actually used Tiberdyne Mk 3 fuselage!!!

it looks identical to C7 Mk 3 but it does holds 300 units of fuel more...

aware of this problem, I'll revise the design; until that, my record is invalid...

gotta do it after watching Eminem's Recovery Tour in South Korea!!! yeay!!!

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I could only get 7:20 of air time with 5 mk3 units, 9 engines, 1 man capsule and mech jeb


looks like I have to use more Mk 3 fuselage or drop tanks, just like I did in my Pan Kerbal SST challenge...

one question, stock C7 Mk 3 holds 1000 units of fuel right?

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Rockets are spacecraft. Sure they're aircraft too, but I'd expect people to work out what I'm getting at on their own.

You can use a rocket engine for extra thrust, such as Talon's rapid ascent system, but the main power should come from jets. As such, it shouldn't go higher than jets can take it, which is to say, about a maximum of 20 kilometers up, if even that. A sub-orbital trajectory cannot be achieved with air-breathing jet engines, so if you're going higher than that, you're doing something wrong.

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Hey guys first post!! love this amazing game . great challenge really had a blast testing out my trusty Long Ranger with some extra engines proved to be successful

could have been quicker but my landings are not the best and the decent stage took me forever :) . Everything stock +mech jeb here is the album for your review guys.


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Here's my entry: the T-80 "Big Daddy," clocking in at just over 33 minutes. Even though the mission technically went on longer than that, I was on the ground and fully stopped at the pole by the time Jebediah got out at 33:44.

Imgur album for proof: http://imgur.com/a/8QhBv#5

The plane itself is one of my favorite creations, despite being horribly laggy. It's capable of flight above 16km, though it's most comfortable between 13 and 15km. At those altitudes, it can break mach-2 and its 8 TurboJet engines give it the power to lift pretty much anything that needs lifting. Unfortunately, it's ridiculously thirsty so I had to attach some disposable fuel tanks to allow it to even reach the pole.

This flight wasn't that difficult even with the lag. I cranked the pitch trim all the way up so I could control it by turning the SAS on when it got too high, and off when it got too low.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hit the pole at 36 minutes, took me until 1 hour 11 minutes to land. My airplane turns out has remarkable gliding capabilities...

Might be the last time but I think I deserve honorary mention for landing with 1 wheel! I used some decouplers to mount the landing gear on the wings but an accidental tap on space made me lose those right at the start, when I flew on to test the plane I made it in one go but getting the hang of landing was tricky, ended up passing the pole 3 times. Might be due to having played the game only 2 days though!

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  • 2 weeks later...


The attached craft is stock (with mechjeb) and can reach the North Pole in about 30-minutes. It uses and SRB for JATO. I use the smart A.S.S. to keep the heading at 0. The pitch is initially 85-degrees during JATO, then reduced to 45-degrees as I climb to about 14k. I then drop to 25-degrees, and as velocity increases, I decrease the pitch a degree at a time to maintain a zero-vertical speed (i.e., constant altitude just above the "thick atmosphere"). This vehicle can reach 600m/s by the time it reaches the ice shelf.

However... I can't really fly, and I am terrible at landing. I'm offering this .craft to any test pilots out there that want to use it for the race, or modify it to go faster. (I think it might have one-too-many fuel tanks). Happy flying!

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