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Race To The Pole

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I don't have a good name for my plane, but I was able to get to the north pole in


This is a shot from just before the crossing. Three turbofans with 12 jet fuel fuselages. Mechjeb was the only non-stock item. The maximum speed was just over 700 m/s.

Another version was on target for 21 minutes and but ran out of fuel and went down in the ocean. Two more fuel tanks brought it to the ice sheet but I wound up about 5 degrees short. I did find out that it lands beautifully though, and I rolled across the ice for 2 degrees before I got sick of watching it. I think I might try this with another set of engines just for laughs.

Edited by Jason Patterson
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Rockets are spacecraft. Sure they're aircraft too, but I'd expect people to work out what I'm getting at on their own.

You can use a rocket engine for extra thrust, such as Talon's rapid ascent system, but the main power should come from jets. As such, it shouldn't go higher than jets can take it, which is to say, about a maximum of 20 kilometers up, if even that. A sub-orbital trajectory cannot be achieved with air-breathing jet engines, so if you're going higher than that, you're doing something wrong.

So yes, we can use a rocket engine, but the primary power should be from jets, and there is a 20km ceiling.

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Darn it. Just made a jet that flew over the pole at just after 22:00 and would have been on the ground at 25:00 at the pole, but I messed up, descended a bit too steeply, spun out of control, and went nose first into the ice at 300 m/s. Another attempt with a slightly modified plane tomorrow!

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Darn it. Just made a jet that flew over the pole at just after 22:00 and would have been on the ground at 25:00 at the pole, but I messed up, descended a bit too steeply, spun out of control, and went nose first into the ice at 300 m/s. Another attempt with a slightly modified plane tomorrow!

I've had this problem previously on polar missions (not gonna post my stuff here, yet, because I have coursework to do instead of flying there again). One solution is to forget about a proper landing and just add some extra parachutes. Or if you have them anyway, activate them when you lose control. Worst comes to worst, you'll end up with the cockpit breaking off on impact.

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Out of curiosity, what is the exact challenge? Are we flying over the pole in the fastest time, or is it to land at the pole in the fastest time?

I just did a flyover at a just under mach 2.8, getting there in 21:12. I hit F2 instead of F1, apparently, so I'm not trying to put this up for the challenge. Suppose it took me another 3 minutes to land, would my time be 21:12 or 24:12?

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  • 2 weeks later...

With my Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird design (which you can get in the spacecraft exchange!) I managed a respectable time of 41:04. And that's with two engines, no drop tanks, and with completely manual piloting (which caused me to almost always be dropping and rising 1km and be at a heading of 2-6 degrees)! If I used Mechjeb alone I could probably save around 3 or so minutes! :D








Yes, this is in .17, so there's no worry about the fuel bug (which would be hard to use on a twin engine plane :/ )

Sorry if this is considered a kind of necropost.

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