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Reduced explosions


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Hello everyone,

I've tried searching but haven't seen what I was looking for yet. Is there a mod that reduces explosions? For example on re-entry/exceeding heat tolerance have parts such as solar panels simply disintegrate rather than a violent explosion we have now? Having things go boom is fun for the first while but there's a certain beauty to have a large obsolete satellite re-enter and simply melt away....



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There's a few mods that you might be interested in. The main one that does what you're asking is the Blast Awesomeness Modifier mod that adjusts what types of parts will cause an explosion. Fuel tanks will produce large explosions, while parts without any fuel like structural parts will simply produce a puff of smoke.

As for just reentry, the Deadly Reentry mod, in addition to making reentry more difficult, changes how parts get destroyed as they fall through the atmosphere and even adds a burning effect to parts shortly before they actually get destroyed. There's also the Reentry Particle Effect mod that will add a really cool trail of sparks, flame, and smoke from all parts that are reentering fast enough.

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