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(Xbox one)Electrical charge stored but not produced??

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I have recently unlocked the batteries and place three in a science vessel for my unmanned ship.  Though my electrical charge is stored but not produced and my electrical equipment says the opposite.  Electrical charge required but not produced.  Am I seriously ignorant or am I missing something?? 

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"Required but not produced" means you have means to store electric charge (batteries) but not to produce it: solar panels and RTGs produce electricity (so do some engines with their alternator, but I'm not sure if the game counts it in the engineer report thingy), batteries store it.
With just batteries you will be fine for a while but you will eventually run out of electric charge, making your spacecraft unusable.
If you are doing a short LKO mission it shouldn't be a problem, but for longer missions you will have to watch your batteries carefully. Also note that transmitting science back to Kerbin consumes a significant amount of electricity.

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