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How do you start to the west?

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This may sound like a stupid question... but how to you start to the west as precisely as possible? I know that on PC you control your ship with keys wasd. So it is easy to press just one key and rotate you ship only around one axis. But on consoles the controls are mapped to the left analog stick. And it is basically imposible to turn to west without rotating the ship around second axis as well a little bit.

Am I missing something?

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keep an eye on the gauges to the bottom left, its not that hard to get control in one axis only with a bit of practice - have also found craft drift slightly so you need to correct in other axis anyway.

having briefly tried a keyboard I vastly prefer the analogue stick method

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Ok. I just notived one trick that may be helpful. If you change your navball form "surface" to "orbit" then the propage is facing west. So if you use propagade sas and brifly (really short period) change to orbit and back to surface, it will rotate you in the propper direction.

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29 minutes ago, Tex_NL said:

WRONG!!! You're a perfect 180 degrees off. In orbit mode on the navball at launch the prograde marker faces EAST!

You are right. And I was double wrong (making me actualy right in the end :-P) I totaly messed up, that you want to start to the east (I know the direction on the navball, but totally got these messed up.) To using propagade on the orbit navbal gets the desired result in the end. But my original question was completelly wrong :-D

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The pro-grade indicator will point in the direction the ship is actually moving in. So, when sitting on the launch pad, the ship is already moving with the rotation of the planet, to the east.

North is 000 degrees, or 360 degrees if you prefer.

East is 90 degrees

South is 180 degrees.

West is 270 degrees.

If you want to fly West keep your heading on 270.

Keep in mind the planet is spinning, so any travel in the north or south hemispheres will have Coriolis drift.



Edited by GrouchyDevotee
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