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trying to plane

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this is my second design at a plane and somethings funky.

the first design was basically this withought the parachutes and the rocket engine, but for some reason on this second design the elevons are doing the opposite of my control input. i press D to pitch up, and it pitches down, it didnt do this in the first design.

is their something obvious im missing?


upon further investigation if i remove all of the weight from the rear fuel container and the rocket engine the elevons work the way they should.
and trying different wings also solves this problem. is their something wrong with the swept wings?

Edited by putnamto
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IIRC there's a bug where control surfaces act based on the relationship between the center of gravity and where the piece it's attached to is attached, rather than where the control surface is attached. So in your design if the wing root is in front of the center of gravity, but the elevons are behind it, they're going to act in reverse.

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yeah, i just discovered this.

so whats the solution?

another question, this craft starts to veer hard to the left after 60m/s why is this?  

corrected the veering, and now it becomes very wobbly around 80-100m/s until eventually one of the wings clips the ground and all is lost.

this is frustrating, i cant pinpoint a problem in this game so i just remove and add things in a semilogical(atleast in my head) manner until it works, i really wish this game would tell you how or why your ships having problems.

Edited by putnamto
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Yes, for the wings, don't use swept wings -- unless every bit of them is completely ahead or behind the CoM.

For the veering and wobbly problem -- that's mostly an issue with your wheels. Those wheels max out at around 7 tonnes, and I think your plane is right around that number. However, if you redesign your plane to have more lift and better takeoff capabilities, you should be able to get into the air at 50 m/s or less and avoid the issue. I would recommend canards and bigger wings.


Edited by bewing
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ok, so im flying right now, have no idea how to land but ill figure that out when i get their.

im trying to do a survey mission thats out over the middle of the souther ocean and i've been flying for almost a half hour straight towards the location.

is their any way to do this faster? or should i just scrap the contract and hope for something better? planes are really freaking slow.

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Better engines make you go faster. More streamlined designs also make you go faster. With a wheesley engine, you can expect to cruise at 500 m/s. With a panther engine, you can expect to cruise at 800 m/s in a nice plane. With a whiplash, you can easily cruise at 1300 m/s.

On the other hand, you may want to take a philosophical look at things. This is a game. The fundamental purpose of a game is to waste time. The feeling that you must waste your time efficiently may not be what you really want.


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2 minutes ago, bewing said:

Better engines make you go faster. More streamlined designs also make you go faster. With a wheesley engine, you can expect to cruise at 500 m/s. With a panther engine, you can expect to cruise at 800 m/s in a nice plane. With a whiplash, you can easily cruise at 1300 m/s.

On the other hand, you may want to take a philosophical look at things. This is a game. The fundamental purpose of a game is to waste time. The feeling that you must waste your time efficiently may not be what you really want.


lol, thanks for the philosphical teachings.

anyways, so the juno is just a very slow engine then?

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