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NASA Twins Study of Scott and Mark Kelly


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Scott Kelly spent one year on ISS. His identical twin, Mark, did not. "The Kelly twins are the only identical twin astronauts in history."
This study did a thorough biological comparison of the two.


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    ...Scott’s telomeres significantly increased in average length while he was in space. Postflight measurements showed that his telomeres shortened in length within about 48 hours of landing, then stabilized to nearly preflight levels. On Earth, Mark’s telomere length remained relatively stable.



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    ...new “space genes” were reported [Actually epigenetic expression] ... Significant responses were found for at least five biological pathways in Scott during his time in space....Although 93% of genes’ expression returned to normal postflight, a subset of several hundred “space genes” were still disrupted after return to Earth.



There are some fairly prosaic theories for these differences. Still, a very interesting and unique study, with possible far-reaching ramifications.



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