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Orbit Kerbin contract glitch??

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I'm a newbie, and can't figure out why I'm not able to get a green checkmark for the Orbit Kerbin contract.  I've established stable orbits with multiple craft, with periapses ranging from 82k km to over 200k km, and completed multiple orbits just to be safe.  Even when I land, I get science credit for recovering a craft that has orbited Kerbin, but the danged Orbit Kerbin contract still isn't fulfilled.  I even tried following the notes to the letter (not starting my turn until I've totally cleared the atmosphere), but it makes no difference.   I've searched the forums and tried quicksaving and loading, but no matter what I do, the contract stays unfulfilled.  Any further ideas would be appreciated.  I'm new to the game and enjoying it when it works (totally unmodded), but there are so many glitches and bugs that I'm on the verge of throwing in the towel.  

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This is a bug in the current version. Several players have reported it. However, none of the testers has ever seen the bug happen.

What this has to mean is that you are doing your launch differently from how we do ours.

None of the players who have reported the bug have been able to make it happen more than once. You say you've experienced it with multiple craft? That's astonishing. I hope you are using a stock game with no mods added to it yet?

We think we've fixed the bug, but we really need more info in order to verify that the bug is completely fixed. The fact that you are a newbie will make it a little harder for me to ask you for the things we need to see. But please help us! :D

What I need is for you to make a savegame from KSC view (hit Alt-F5). Then put one of your ships on the launchpad and make another savegame. There is a little button in the top right on that window that shows you all your messages -- hover your mouse over that button, and take a screenshot. Then launch it into orbit however you normally do it, and make it fail. Please make a note of any step that you do that does not simply involve flying the ship to orbit. Then go to the main menu and close the game. Then send me a copy of savegame#1, savegame#2, the screenshot on the launchpad, your special launch steps, and the log files. Your KSP.log file is in your main game directory. There is also an output_log.txt file (I assume you are on windows) that is in C:/Users/you/AppData/LocalLow/Squad/Kerbal Space Program

email is bruce@deportedgames.com

Thanks for posting, and welcome to the forums! Sorry that it's to post about a bug.


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