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Station RPG


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Hey everyone, I wanted to start modding ksp for a long time , I have little knowledge about it but great enthusiasm about creating something I want in KSP since ever.


I love Science mode but once you've unlocked all the tree the game start to lack this extra something that make you enthusiast about going further, building more. I now play in 30% science / 150 starting science to slow down unlocks.

I don't like the career mode as it is today, mainly because difficulty is not where I would like it to be.


So I'm here to talk about features for an rpg mod I would like to develop, any advice or thought is very welcome.


Station RPG

 Here are some features ideas :

  • You start in a tiny space station orbiting Kerbin, you have only one Kerbal and can't launch neither build anything, you may only have the space center to see your station and access your kerbal 
    • It it possible to restrict access to player from switching kerbal ?
    • Can I block any VAB from beeing used ?
    • Last warp speed would be locked


  • Parts can be delivered to your station 
    • Here I am thinking about mods like routine mission and KIS/KAS to assemble parts


  • You can launch unmaned vessel and  perform task that normaly only a player controlled kerbal could do
    • Is it possible for exemple to have a mod controling a vessel while the player is in "action" phase 
    • Maybe I could force the player to reload when an event is happening, like a mod controled vessel docking the space station ?


  • Many ways to get money from your space station, here it's very simple I can think about many thing
    • If you have gas or goods you can trade (market sim throught mod window)
    • Certain parts give you tourism value, maybe a casino ? :cool:


  • Competition with AI
    • Competitor space station upgrading throught time
    • Player can see competitor stats, possible interactions must yet to be listed


  • Turn based combat
    • Player has a console where he can see action log and events
    • Parts you have on your space station give you stats and abilities
    • Parts can get damaged and destroyed
    • Would feel very D&D


Sorry for my bad english, it's late as I am trying to write this I will edit asap, thanks :P




Sorry I posted the wrong place I think sorry :( could this post be moved to Plugin Development Help and Support 







Edited by KerboKnob
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Is this your first mod? If so, I'd stay stop. This is way too complex for a beginner;maybe even too much for a regular mod dev. To be honest this would be better off as a seperate game, not a KSP mod. A mod with this many mechanics would take years to develop, but wouldn't take too long if you just made a game out of it. There's a reason why you haven't seen a mod like this.

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I would focus on exploring several mods that are already released or being updated to get closer to what you want to play in Career mode. I am not sure if you have any mods installed or what KSP version you are using.

A Mod like USI Umbra Space Industries brings in mining, resources, life support, expanded tech tree, and many other features to expand game play greatly. It also has compatibility patches to work with 


also to build individual parts in space.



Planetary mods like OPM_Galileo and others can expand the game space greatly.

You want more uses for science, you can use KRnD to enhance your parts.

You want to make money, you can try mining for profit with The Gold Standard.

You can also look at ScanSat which you can configure so you need to send probes out to scan planets, scout for resources and plan landing sites.

I could mention many other mods like contract packs, different Life support mods, planet packs, and parts pack that would alter the game further.

You mentioned you have very little knowledge about modding. So if you want to start modding, load up some mods. Start tinkering with them and see the effects in game. Make changes to an engine, change its thrust, ISP, drag, re-scale it, maybe write a MM patch to do it. If this doesn't make any sense to you. Jumping into Unity programming, modelling and making textures might be a bridge to far on the first mod.

Worst of all, it might make KSP no longer fun for you.


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