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How to get rid of orbiting spent stages?


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You can go into your ksp folder and into your save directory and manually delete the parts from your persistence save file. You need to know what part it is you want to delete though. You can also go into your settings and set the debris level to 0.

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Alternatively, in future try and make your rockets with debris-reduction in mind. There's two ways off the top of my head I can think of doing this:

1. Set up the stage so that it is spent while still in a sub-orbital trajectory

2. Apply retro-burning rockets (either SRBs or liquid stages, though both are heavy and obtrusive unless you have mod parts available like the clearing SRBs in Silisko's mods) which should hopefully nudge the debris into a decaying orbit (if the debris is low enough).

Generally, debris isn't going to be a huge problem unless there's loads of it. If you build stages with debris reduction in mind then you should only really have debris on highly elliptical orbits (from trans-object injections) or orbiting celestial bodies other than Kerbin.

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  Keiichi said:
But some may consider these methods too easy. If you are one of them go look for a sunbeam laser mod or simmilar, and build a laser-firing space cleanning platform :)

I 2nd what Keiichi said. Half the fun of the game is dealing with the consequences of ones actions (blunderings). Rescuing stranded Kerbals and going Al-Gore and launching clean up missions. Also agree with BurningSky93; enjoy the challenge of adding environmental consciousness to the design, don't litter your space!

I'm currently working on a ship, the SS BinBag which is basically a big scoop with a lid. The plan; collect several objects in large holding container, move into decaying orbit and release trash before climbing back up to stable orbit. The only prob with this is speed, I found in other captue missions, once you have got hold of another object you can't time warp more than 2x, but I hear whispers of this changing in 0.17.

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My solution is pretty much very small "Kamikaze V2-n" ships using an engine I basically editted to give 10x the thrust and no fuel consumption, and then as the name suggests I just smash into them at high speed.

Incredibly entertaining, but often leaves massive clouds of pieces depending on the size of the 'victim' debris and how extravagant I want the suicide ship to be.

But yeah, that's really just cheating.

Personally I don't like clearing my orbital space, mainly because it's so big and all my ships orbit at 100km intervals but also because I've only ever had one major problem with an orbiting object and that was smashing my Mun Rocket right through my 'Space Station'. It's annoying if it keeps happening, but yeah, in the words of Dwarf Fortress; !!FUN!!

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  KingAirDriver said:
I've been using that mod with the TNT bundles- forget the creator. Works pretty well! Put some dynamite on a stage and it blows up 5 seconds after separation. :)

oh, nice, I'd not heard of that mod. Any chance of a link, searching for TNT in this forum is not fruitful!

Can u set the delay on exploding, might be a fun way to make bombs!

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Guest butt head
  KingAirDriver said:
I've been using that mod with the TNT bundles

i remember seeing that 1 but i dont have it though i did but dont :( link please?

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