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Yay for Spontanieous Combustioning!


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So, I've been trying to get a space station in the air for some time now. The only issue? Asplosions. For reasons unknown, a fuel tank disengages from the ascent stage and causes the rocket below it to slam upwards into the arm of the station. Even worse, I have no clue what fuel tank it is. This same accident has killed about 40-50 kerbonauts because, well, it's a space station. The crew don't need to return to Kerbin so I neglected to add a parachute.

Because my computer has the processing power of a potato, I'm going to upload the .ship file. (In about a minute or two)


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sounds like your stations need to be more asymmetrical, and another thing:

to prevent unnecessary structural failures, I recommend you add some engines pointing downwards as well so as to counter act the ascent engine that is causing it to fall apart.

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