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The Sparrowhawk

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It's seldom I post anything in this section, indeed I think the only other rocket I put on display in here was one I built in the Demo version, the first rocket I ever built which could land a Kerbal on either the Mun or Minmus.  The reason why I don't is really simple, my rockets tend to be crap to be honest, and would be an embarrassment when compared to what you guys have created.  However...

Today, for the first time since I started playing KSP in October 2016, I finally made a rocket that I'm really proud of.  It doesn't look like much, but it flies as straight as an arrow, indeed I can take my hands of the keyboard and let it fly itself; this is a first for me.  It was designed to lift a payload into orbit, which would then set out for the Mun, and it does it perfectly.  Take a look, but now guys, don't laugh!! :D



Part Count: 42 (24 without Payload)

Height: 14.4m

Width: 2.6m

Weight 24.764 tons (22.904 tons without payload)

Jeb really hates this rocket; an untrained gerbil could fly it and it's making it really hard for him to find a plausible excuse to show off!  I have absolutely no idea why it flies so well, but from the moment it lifts off until it reaches orbit, it never moves or deviates from the 90 degree line.  Launching into an inclined orbit isn't quite as easy, but that's down to my poor piloting skills and not the rocket.

There's isn't much else to say about it really, fingers crossed all my future rockets will be as well behaved as this one!

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