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64 bit KSP Stops Responding When Loading Save

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Forgive me if I do this incorrectly, I'm new here.

A reoccurring problem I've had with modded ksp is that when I try to load a save, be it new or old, career or sandbox, sometimes ksp would freeze and I would get the windows message "KSP stopped responding" and waiting for it to respond didn't work, so I had to close the program. After that I would reopen ksp and most of the time It worked.

Recently I accidentally uninstalled all mods that use module manager, and I had to tediously go through my mods and re download what I could remember. After getting fresh installs for most of my mods and CKAN saying I had 8 less than before (45 to 37, not sure what the 8 are) I figured ksp might run better. Quite the opposite happened, now every time I try to load any save ksp stops responding.

It is easy for me to recreate, ksp 64 bit works fine loading, the menu works, I can delete and create saves. But once I try to load a save, it starts to, then the loading icon in the bottom right freezes and so does ksp. 32 bit does not work, I'm assuming my mods are over the memory limit. I tried to isolate the problem to a specific mod, but it seems almost random. Eventually after splitting the mod list in half again and again I could get it to a point where I had multiple different mod groups that worked fine, but together they won't. I tried my best to find where two or more mods are conflicting but was unable to.

Here is the log after I created a new career game, then tried to load it:


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