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Visual mods causing extreme darkness and crashing on Eve

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I have EVE, Distant Object Enhancement, Scatterer, Smokescreen, and SVE (among others but those are the only visual mods that should be causing a problem) on a 1.3.1 install. I am having two problems - upon descent to Eve, if I move the camera around too much, the game will freeze unrecoverabley and I will have to reload the game to continue. As in I'll try to land one thing four times and it will be successful once. I can sort of live with it, but I have at least 4 more craft to land on Eve, so it will get annoying.

The second problem is this:

This is daytime, as bright as it gets. I get that Eve has a lot of clouds and it will be realistically super dark, but this is severely affecting visibility, especially since I'm going to be bringing down a rocket plane which will have to take off and land multiple times.
So, does anyone know of a way to turn off EVE/SVE clouds temporarily without uninstalling the mod? Or does anyone know how to fix the crashing? Or the darkness?
Logs and stuff are available on request, I don't really do this often, so I'm still a bit clueless as to what is needed to properly diagnose the issue.
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Okay, nevermind, I fixed it! The problem was that the default EVE clouds and the SVE clouds were both trying to display at once. I removed most of the default configs, and now it's fine! Not as aesthetically pleasing from above, but way more playable now!

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