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Mod to show biomes in KSC map?

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So there's the "Biomes Visible" cheat checkbox that makes biomes visible in the tracking station as different colors.

Is there a mod that makes biomes show up like this in the KSC display? (the one where you pick the various buildings)

I ask because I was going to do up a KSC biomes map for each level of buildings, and this would make it a lot easier. My google-fu doesn't show such a mod, but it figure it won't hurt to ask.

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Probably not, I'm thinking. Most of the minibiomes at KSC are touch-sensitive. So from a distance of more than a centimeter, for example, the flagpole or the buildings would appear to be in a completely different mini-biome than when you touch them.


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Yeah, I was kind of hoping for something that might highlight the building a different color than the hex around it. For example, all the R&D special buildings. Oh well.

Of course there's a ton of maps for level 3, but not so much for levels 1 & 2. On level one, the R&D buildings aren't special, except for the one off in the corner.

I also haven't found an instrument you can put on a rover and show the real biome either. The surface scanner just says "shores" even when it's on the runway or the pad, or the VAB hex... Come to think of it, wouldn't that be a bug? Or not?

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kerbal engineer redux shows the actual biome if you ask it to. Gotta be in flight scene tho.

also if you feel lazy you can get KEI. Not sure what the acronym means bust it just harvests all ksc science for ya. Google it. =P

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Hm. so does MechJeb - if you bring up the custom window editor, you can add "current biome" and "surface biome" which seem to be the same.

Interestingly, the runway had several reported biomes: KSC_Runway_09, Runway, KSC_Runway_Section_4,  KSC_Runway_Section_3, KSC_Runway_Section_2, Runway, starting from the spawn and going toward the beach. There was no KSC_Runway_Section_1 or KSC_Runway_27 that I could find. Also, the KSC_Runway_09 & Runway seemed to overlap and flicker between the two for a short stretch.

I have ForScience, which runs all the onboard experiments available for your current biome and situation, but I'm not terribly interested in "getting the science" - I'm just mostly interested in mapping things because of the R&D complex... "which one's the main/central building?" "Which one's the small/corner/side lab?"

I was also interested in "does the admin pool have a different biome? no, but it should!" and I thought the building "hexes" interlocked, so you went straight from the VAB grounds to the R&D grounds, but that's not true, and there's a short bit of "KSC" biome there. I also discovered the astronaut complex flagpole is a different biome from the launch pad flagpole.

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