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Varying the recovered science value for an Experiment

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I'm creating a science experiment that is required to be returned to Kerbin to earn the science points. This means I've set the experiment settings to include canTransmit = False  &  dataIsCollectable = False

I need to do some testing when I get home, but I've assumed that with canTransmit = False,  the float values - xmitValue & xmitBonus - for the ScienceData obj that is generated, would probably be zero.

My only available variable looks like I might be able to modify the ScienceData.Amount to a lower number when I wanted the available recovered science value to go down.

Once a ScienceData instance is created from an experiment with the above settings, is it possible to modify the 'Amount' value while in the flightscene (using some code I'd write) so the final recovered science points would be lower than it was when generated?
The goal is to not have the same static value of science points recovered for an experiment run in the same biome twice.

Anyone know if there is something similar done already?



Edited by wile1411
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