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Just a question from a newbie...

Is it possible to use twice or many times the same parachute? If I want to use a couple of them to slow down my landing on Eve, could I use them again for the entry in Kerbin's atmosphere?

Is there a mod which allow a kerbonaute to repackage the deployed parachute in order to use it later?


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5 minutes ago, Fraston said:

Yes. There is. If you have a high enough level engineer, he (or she) can get out and repack the chute.

on a side note: Eve? Nice!

Great! What a relief to my kerbals! They can land back slowly!


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The engineer only needs to have one star to repack parachutes. So they get the ability after going to orbit one time and then landing back on Kerbin.


Edited by bewing
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