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[PLUGIN 0.15.1+] RangeAdjust for Control Surfaces and Gimbals


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Okay, release time...



Yep, exactly: this PartModule allows to limit deflection range for any ControlSurface, LiquidEngine/LiquidFuelEngine or AtmosphericEngine literally on the fly. I find it quite handy to change controls efficiency as necessary, even turning some of the surfaces on and off (inc. to imitate flaps and/or air brakes).

No part is included! You'll need to install the module manually into all the parts you need.

In order to do so, extract rangeAdjust10/ directory to KSP/ and make sure you have rangeAdjust.dll file in your KSP/Plugins/ folder. After that, locate the part you wish to adjust in KSP/Parts/, and add the following lines to its PART.CFG file:

name = rangeAdjust
range = Full | Half | Quarter | Off

"range" CFG parameter determines initial range only; i.e. if you enter "range = Half" then the part starts with half the deflection range. After that, the current value is stored in .SFS, and is loaded next time you switch to this vessel.

Ah, did I mention that parts placed with symmetry are handled correctly too?

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Known issues: none.

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Edited by Tosh
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  Hyratel said:
I mean, "Restrict this symmetry to [P|R|Y] only"
Ah, no again :(. I just do not process input axes here, only the surface deflection (i.e. don't give a dang for what does this surface control).
  Audiopulse said:
Hmm... I think this should have an entrance into KSP-vanilla. We do have ALT+WASD (German Keyboardscheme), but this would be much quicker.
This ain't trimmers :). Trimmers (<Alt+WASDQE>) offset controls neutral position, while this addon decreases range (BTW affecting trimmers too). Generally, I use rangeAdjust in addition to trimmers when I need precise control.

And -- no, this not likely gonna be included into the game. Someone already suggested limiting controls range, but devs were not interested.

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  Audiopulse said:
Hmm... I think this should have an entrance into KSP-vanilla. We do have ALT+WASD (German Keyboardscheme), but this would be much quicker.

The purpose of this mod is to allow you to adjust the amount of control you have on the aircraft through the right-click dialog. For example, if you have a craft that rolls around at the slightest keypress (overcontrolled), this allows you to adjust the "throw", or movement back and forth, of the control surface.

This plugin also allows you to have better flying planes over a wider range of altitudes, because you can adjust the throws to be greater at higher altitudes where the air is thinner, and less at low altitudes where the air is thicker.

Basically, this plugin is a more selective, more thorough version of hitting [CAPSLOCK], which decreases all control by 90%.

Edited by theflyingfish
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  theflyingfish said:
Basically, this plugin is a more selective, more thorough version of hitting [CAPSLOCK], which decreases all control by 90%.
I personally hate that so-called "precision" (correct: "delayed") control mode. It does nothing but supplies a plane with extremely bad PIO ("pilot-induced oscillation"). Player presses <S> button; pitch does not change, just a slider moves. Player releases the button; plane instantly pitches up and (surprise!) overshoots. Player then presses <W> -- and overshoots once again :(

So... I just can't use <Caps Lock> when flying planes.

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