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Can't get nodes to work.


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So I'm new here and I've been playing KSP for a while now and thought by myself why won't I start making parts too.

Great for me because I'm a 3D art student for games and this way I can improve my modelling and texturing skills a bit.

Now everything is going okay for the modelling and such not texturing since I was planning to do that when Everything works.

The game loads my parts and everything and they show up in-game without textures like expected. (since there aren't any yet)

Now with use of the tool for getting the node locations I specified the nodes in the parts.cfg.

Still when I start the game and try to place the nodes it doesn't show up.

Everything works except for the nodes so I can't place them.

It's like the game just ignores the nodes.

So my question is: Does any of you know how I can get the nodes to work?

(I already searched on the forum and couldn't find any other threads like this and the answer is probably obvious and I'm probably just dumb :P)

// Kerbal Space Program - Configuration file
// Freighter Engine

// --- general parameters ---
name = FreighterEngine
module = LiquidEngine
author = KSF
// --- asset parameters ---
mesh = engine.dae
scale = 1
texture =
specPower = 0.5
rimFalloff = 3
alphaCutoff = 0
// --- node definitions ---
node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.0, -0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
// --- FX definitions ---
fx_exhaustFlame_blue = -0.00311981, -0.0876073, 1.5322, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, active
fx_exhaustLight_blue = -0.00311981, -0.0876073, 1.5322, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, active
// --- Sound FX definition ---
sound_vent_medium = activate
sound_rocket_hard = active
sound_vent_soft = deactivate
// --- Editor parameters ---
cost = 450
category = 0
subcategory = 0
title = Freighter Engine
manufacturer = Kerbal Space Freighters
description = Kerbals won't forget the engines right?
// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
// --- standard part parameters ---
mass = 1.5
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.4
minimum_drag = 0.2
angularDrag = 0.2
crashTolerance = 5
maxTemp = 2500
// --- specific part parameters ---
maxThrust = 500
minThrust = 0
heatProduction = 360
fuelConsumption = 2

Edited by Liarean
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Can you post the asset in question? Hard to just guess what it is. Could be your model scale is off, Xforms aren't reset (if using 3dsmax), or several other things. Seeing the problem first hand would help. If not, at least post the config settings.

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Theres section with attachement rules in cfg. Looks like this: (attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision

attachRules = 1,0,1,1,1) you need to have the stacking enabled to see the nodes. maybe thats the problem?

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Can you post the asset in question? Hard to just guess what it is. Could be your model scale is off, Xforms aren't reset (if using 3dsmax), or several other things. Seeing the problem first hand would help. If not, at least post the config settings.

Added the part.cfg to thread.

Sorry about that completely forgot it :P

And it would be weird that my scale is off because I double checked it with the tutorial info.

Also xforms are only when you use the transform tool in 3ds max if I remember correctly.

I also tried finding node points by using vertexes to get the cordinates.

Same problem. In the meanwhile I'm going to fiddle some more with it.


I just tried resetting the xform just to be sure but it didn't make any difference.

I think it's something in the part.cfg that I have wrong since the game loads the parts just fine only thing is they won't work properly.

Edited by Liarean
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Try turning the allow stack on, like this:

// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision


Tried it no luck.

It's still the same.

Also when I select the part it doesn't show any nodes not even the ones on the vanilla parts already in the scene while when I take a vanilla part I can just place it fine on those vanilla parts with the nodes showing.

It's like the game doesn't recognize that the part has nodes. Still the nodes are in the part.cfg.

It's just like it's being ignored by the game.

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I think I found out whats your problem. It needs to be like this: attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0 you have only: 1,0,1,0,0. SO ad "attachRules =" before the numbers.

That did it.

Already said it would be a dumb mistake on my side in the part.cfg ;D :P

Thanks for the help :)

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