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Sun System?

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Hi again everyone, so I was listening to "Pale Blue Dot" by Carl Sagan, and an idea popped into my mind. I wanted to send a spacecraft from the Kerbol System to the Solar System, so I needed a solar system mod. A search didn't turn up any results that didn't modify the current system. Does anyone know of a mod for 1.3.1 that adds our solar system as another star orbiting the void along with Kerbol? (the void as in the empty center that many star mods have the stars orbit)

I just realized that this should go in the Add-On Discussion section. Sorry!

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3 hours ago, HerobrineLiu said:

(the void as in the empty center that many star mods have the stars orbit)

Ah, I believe "barycenter" is the word you're searching for.
Also, our home star has a name: Sol.

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful than this. I've never seen a mod like that, as most of them are fixed on making the Kerbol System "more interesting" and adding new things to it or just changing things about it. I have seen mods with multiple star systems as wild as having a (relatively) nearby blackhole, but never a Sol System + stock Kerbol system. I do like that idea though. Perhaps you might catch the right mod devs' attention or maybe take a stab at it yourself, provided you have the required skillset...

Speaking of skills...
I did envision a way to pull that idea off in a cinematic epic though, should you be interested in making and sharing the mission. However, it could only be a cinematic view from time to time, so as not to prove nothing is happening when you escape Kerbol. Also worth noting you'll probably need a beefy PC for aesthetic mods and two different KSP game files to mod. One game should have all the beauty mods you wish to use, the other should have all the same beauties plus Real Solar System. See where I'm going with this? Interstellar space would only be represented by the changeover between games.
~Start up your screen capture software and blast your mission off such that you ultimately escape Kerbol first, take note of all relevant resources before you quit, then switch game files to the Sol system game and copy over your mission craft file(s.) 
~Before you launch from Earth, DON'T. Instead, use your notes from where you left Kerbol to twin that status upon this new game's mission craft's resources. If you're still on the same page with me, you might already know you can continue back and forth between game saves like this for as long as you have the deltaV to continue your mission (or end it all. RIP...) Now you'll need ALT+F12 to get Set Orbit and probably infinite resources cheats. Set your orbit at Sol, to the maximum altitude and eccentricity possible, or use infinite fuel to adjust your orbit to your desired parabolic trajectory congruent to a viable interstellar fly-by should look like.
~Continue your mission as planned from there. The same way you got to Sol, return to Kerbol, if that is indeed your plan. Once your mission is complete, have a blast editing your compiled videos and share it out to the whole cosmos! :P 

Good luck and have fun! :) 

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