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Window view from Mk2 and Mk3 cockpit just seems a bit... odd?


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Nowadays, I mostly build only planes in KSP, and I like to fly them from the in-cockpit view. For the longest time I have noticed that, when using Mk2 and Mk3 cockpits, the view from the windows just seems kinda odd, as if the terrain was somehow scaled during rendering. Because of this I have a hard time judging distances, lining up turns, and landing crafts that use Mk2 and Mk3 cockpits when flying them from the in-cockpit view. However the Mk1 in-cockpit view just seems a lot more "normal", and I have a much better time flying planes that use it.

I was just wondering, is this a me issue or have other people noticed this? Is this issue somehow caused by FOV, and could this be solved with a very-wide monitor setup? 

And yea I know that you can zoom in/out while using the in-cockpit view, but no zoom level seems to make the Mk2/Mk3 view look "normal".

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