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Stargates/wormholes? Too 'out there'?


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Just wondering what the verdict is on wormholes and stargates? Being a Stargate fan I immediately thought 'stargate!' when I found the Mun arch for the first time :3, does anyone else think it would be awesome if these arches were, in fact, stargates to the other planets being implemented in .17?

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The Mun Arch is a little too close to Kerbin and, more importantly, too out in the open, in my opinion, to make for an interesting challenge to get to and operate barring some shenanigans in the Kerbal canon that make the Stargate difficult or impossible to operate without having done considerable exploration and habitat-construction in the rest of the solar system. I'm not opposed to the general idea, but I think it would be nice if the stargates and other remnants of past civilizations were somewhat difficult to reach and operate for a fairly experienced player. If I recall correctly, the warp drive to be implemented by HarvesteR may be a similar case, only becoming usable in the late game.

Correct me if I'm wrong, though.

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I'm not sure about stargate connections. Possibly ones with a random link rather than a predictable destination would work, although I'd rather have something in the style of the Silfen paths.

Being able to uncover a bottom half of the arch with the blast from a rocket engine would be cool though.

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The point? simple. To keep the game interesting. Potentially forever. If there's always more new and unique content out there, there's that much more worth to the game.

Its seems we disagree on what would make the game "interesting". Wormholes or stargates, as much as I see their places in other universes (and don't get me wrong, I loved SG-1), just don't fit the feel of KSP, IMO.

This game, to me, is about a bunch of hapless little green men (and women, potentially :P) bumbling about in attempts to discover and explore their own solar system, and through countless explosions and failed attempts, they actually manage it. The concept of discovering and exploring new star systems or other-wordly, sci fi or theoretical physics based technologies and phenomena just doesn't fit the atmosphere, to me at least.

I think its important to remember that KSP is, in general, based firmly in real world physics except were it serves the "fun and quirky" element (like Kerbin's density, the fact that we're controlling little green men etc etc).

Edited by BurningSky93
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The point? simple. To keep the game interesting. Potentially forever. If there's always more new and unique content out there, there's that much more worth to the game.

Well yeah, i love these things too. But in KSP it's like..... The point of the game is to build rockets and vehicles, and find your way to pilot them to the other planets or stars.

With stargates, you'd just have to pilot to the gate, you wouldn't have to worry about the trajectories to being captured by another star anymore.

It's like, putting a gate on Kerbin Space Center that instantly teleports you to Minmus. What would be the point of the game then?

If the game does evolve in a way that does conform to such things however, i'd love to see it added. Perhaps as easter egg connections to the other side of the galaxy without first having to research warp drives or whatever. Then i'd love it too. But as KSP is TODAY, it doesn't fit at all, given how limited the universe is.

I could see one thing though, if the tech level system in KSP advances far enough into the realm of stargates, perhaps we could BUILD stargates, and maneuver them to a distant star.

Then once we built 2 and put them in place, we could use them as a shortcut for easy colonization or whatever on the other end.

THAT i can agree with, because then the whole kerbal building element still comes into play without having the thing just be a "cheatmode" to reach distant places.

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What if the mun arch gate was only activated after finding/activating all the munoliths? Traveling through it would teleport you to a very far away and possibly unreachable (via normal mechanics) solar system filled with lots of incredible stuff, binary stars, black holes, shattered planets, you know, the classic sci-fi stuff. This would make it both endgame enough that it won't be cheaty but also a good easter egg and a way to continue exploration once you have fully explored the original system.

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