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Knock Minmus out of orbit! Challenge...

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Did you know that the dev's from Adeline software did this about 15 years ago?

skip to 1:20 for the part with minmus!

lol, Looks a little like my picture. But that's not Minmus. :P

Actually that is the problem i have a about a half a tank of fuel with the one on minmus but as i attempted to land unfortunate events Occurred xD most of the tanks got dislodged i guess you could say as i landed and the main engine de-attached when i tried to get the craft pointing up wards :(

You need more duck tape! Try again. :D

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Well if I can use flight engines, I had an idea to get more engines to Minmus, the Flipship:


It's called the Flipship, because the drop tanks are on the top. ;)






Although currently it seems to be suffering from some fuel bug, probably from the complex fuel line system, in that I can run the 17 large engines for 7 minutes and only get halfway through the 12 top outer upper fuel tanks, without touching any other fuel source.

Edit: uploading this here too, since I can't seem to in the bug report forum. :)

Edited by Soralin
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