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Something very wrong...


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...has just happened. I was on Minmus with Bob, Bill and Jeb, I was climbing down to the Minmus surface and jumped off the ladder to the right and Jeb crumpled to the ground. I pressed 'W' to right him and the screen just went black, and there was a series of 9's where the altitude meter should have been. I went back to the Space Centre, looked in the tracking building and there was Jebediah and the Lander and the rest of the crew, all in escape trajectory of Kerbol. I ended the mission but it seems that the crew is gone. Has any one got some idea of what might have happened?

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I don't think this is Space Kraken. I think he somehow got his ship and Jeb partly under the surface of Minmus. So he was suddenly below Minmus (I doubt they are allowing negative altitude, which explains the 9's), everything was black because the camera was under Minmus's surface texture and there would be no lighting inside the planet, I'm not sure why he flew off, but that explains what happened before that. Remember everything in the game is hollow, so if you manage to clip through the "wall" (I can't remember the actual term), there's nothing to stop you from falling forever.

I'd have to talk to my friend who does game design to see if I'm on the right track on this one.

Edited by Tauge
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