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b52.2 All Stock (Can Be Armed)


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Hello there this is my best aircraft so far and the first one I will be sharing( dont ask about the others :wink: ).

The b52.2 is an all stock plane that is NOT armed unless you arm it yourself.

It fly's well at 150m/s and can take off and fly at half throttle.

It has a nice escape system on last stage!

It has 4 basic jet engines and enough fuel to get it across the ocean( maybe farther ).

Rember to fly on caps-lock controls( I don't know name )

Here are some pictures and heres the album.




Top Flying


Bottom Flying


Emergency Escape!


We build planes strong so they fly even when they blow up! ( not always.... )

This is my first craft I am posting so please give feedback


note this is the b52.5 not .2 its mostly same but flys nicer.


Bold and underlined for those who don't read.

Edited by tom2018
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