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Jool5 (1st attempt, picture heavy)


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Hey there,

this will be my first thread of that kind and it will be mainly pictures, if something awesome happens i'll try to catch it. I play on ps4 and dont have a pc so getting the pictures on imgur can be a little hassle which is also the reason for the thread, its just better to handle for me that way, i hope nobody minds. I will Edit to add more stuff per playsaison.

As to read in the titel the mission will go to jool with the intention to land on all joolian moons. It wont be hyperefficent or fancy in any way, just 5 kerbals fired with a big rocket.

This mission report will serve as proof for the jool5 challange if successful.


871t, 410k Funds and 147 parts

5TrdSKW.jpgWe start with light, thats good, i guess


NDS2KbQ.jpgSidebooster seperation

LGr44IP.jpgmaybe dont turn that early next time?

L1bE79U.jpgZ2CsOXG.jpgCJwUVI4.jpgthanks for your service Mr Booster

46Pv10O.jpgcirculationburn PWaYAlT.jpg

To be continuedg5pSRqp.jpg

2NaKvFC.jpgAfter 15 days in LKO its time...iaQMWmM.jpg...to burn for jool. Sorry that it's so darkuIaoTW7.jpgC8kESl0.jpgthe maneuvernode resets when going into mapview, thats not normal behavior is it?HsPO5RI.jpgdoesnt matter we got our encounterop6VYYi.jpgplaned planechangeysnslm9.jpgGXyGxgq.jpg


Kgk8ihj.jpgI wasnt sure the transferstage had enough dv for what it should do 558J3o2.jpgentering jools soiN8KePiH.jpgalmost forgot to take a picture, seperation of the LaythelanderUzsIPcA.jpgSherby was always the bravest, he is not afraid of being alonech3tt6x.jpg0tnxTXl.jpgtyloperi for the tylopart layed9T80855.jpgrTVNHwX.jpgand also for the Laythelander JjAmprN.jpgsomehow the peri went from 36 to 56km, Ive just stick with thatohfkYqO.jpgtrying to get moar science from high above tylo 56M3MCA.jpgJ2gAD6p.jpgin parkingorbit over tyloXlkkO7b.jpg

GNdFIsc.jpgplaned Laythe encounter8SvHJAG.jpgSherbys tylo flybyLMpbYRT.jpg

uIbdUXF.jpgJool, Tylo, Laythe & Val throu the cockpit windowGBgyxkd.jpgNhMk9xV.jpgfD2nna6.jpg

6KzFqJB.jpgentered Laythe soi UtRxicv.jpgready for upper atmosphere scienceR6zW1Eq.jpg1st aerobreak donenQPwh7Z.jpgmoar sciencePikNXjn.jpgsecond aerobreak & approach vOZmOvq.jpgadjusting approach WlQj2AO.jpgshort after touchdown, turning backwards qsdvdma.jpgNI1o5ae.jpg

U02zBOD.jpgLAJt2sg.jpgSherby didnt dare to go further out for science, so that was a waste of fuel


To be Continue

Edited by PrvDancer85
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