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Dilin's US Military Supply Zone!


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Dilin's US Military Supply Zone

For when launching explosive rockets isn't awesome enough!

Welcome to the war zone...


Well over the course of a few days and a very awesome mod, I've managed to make a Kick-Ass Fighter Jet! The F/A 18E "Super Hornet" is only the beginning so keep on the Eye-Out for MORE as I will update this thread as I perfect the Aircraft Handling and Design!

So Just to keep you All happy while I continue putting the Finishing touches on my first home-made plane, what I'm working on now from what you get to sample is MUCH MUCH MUCH more detailed and advanced. I will add weapon versions for those of you who want do blow **** up.

Want to request a US plane? Go ahead! When I need something to make I'll try to do my best, but I prefer to do the F variants of aircraft first, as the all follow a basic code.

I have Top-Secret Recording software, know as, FRAPS so if it is REALLY needed I will upload a video. Although, a picture is a thousand words literally its like a million 0101010s.

You may be wondering, "How the hell did the Kerbal's get such technologically evolved software without killing everyone on the planet with tests?" Well lets just say NASA went to the moon again and painted a bunch of blueprints on the moon to see if it was visible clearly on telescope, and it was. The Kerbal's being speshal wanted to launch the Universe's largest telescope in to space. What the Kerbal's did was build an Observatory, strapped it onto a rocket, and sent it into space. In a one in a million chance the first place they aimed the telescope was the Earth's moon, oh and did I mention that Kerbal's Looooooove to copy everything? I mean how the hell do you think all those scientists graduated high school, college, and then got into KSP to build deathtraps! Well that's the story.

I'm Currently Working on:

  • Finishing an A-10 so that it doesn't Aspload on the runway from tiny mistakes...
  • Thinking of which plane to do next (SUGGEST SOME!)
  • Working on ICBMs now!
  • Finish Updating the F-18E "Super Hornet" to max performance and design.

In order to fly in style your going to need a few parts, I'm going to list the mods needed below, this list can change at ANY TIME so check back often!


This mod adds realistic plane parts for making what you desire! It also includes an Ejection Seat. The Ejection Seat is the biggest life saving device I have EVER seen or used, it has saved 20+ lives.


Aviation Lights! Without these how can you track other planes in the sky at night! You could crash into other planes without these fancy lights.


Everyone should already have this mod, its way way WAY to important and awesome, NOT to have!


Sorry, I forgot to link this before. I'm testing KSP on a new computer to make sure I linked all the parts.


KW Rocketry SHOULD be the last mod you need for this to work, if any errors pop up for missing parts TELL ME, PLEASE!

Multiple things available to download? Download them all just in case and for yourself!

Jet Aircraft




||[ATTACH]32129[/ATTACH] || Download




  • Max Height before Engines turn off: 10100m
  • Max Speed: This depends on Altitude heavily however it is one fast cat.
  • Handling: Excellent! In a dive she can pull up in less than 5 seconds and gain altitude immediately, a word of warning when holding W to dive she starts to spin to the left. I have NO IDEA why this happens...
    Overall, this plane is EXCELLENT
    In a 0 - 10 Rating the score is 9.5/10
    Why not 10? Because I can't make the sonofagun stop its stupid dive problem! However pulling up there is no spinning and it is FINE.


The F/A 18E "Super Hornet" is the Pinnacle of Carrier Launch plane design, featuring many of the latest aviation designs available,able to rule the skies or bomb America's Enemies from miles away. This F/A 18E "Super Hornet" is Unarmed Currently however, weapon mounts will be added.

This plane will update with better parts when available from the Redstar Thread listed above!

Bomber Aircraft

Edited by Dilin
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  • 2 weeks later...


  • 1.0 - Created Thread, uploaded F-18E "Super Hornet"
  • 1.1 - Updated F-18E "Super Hornet" with aviation lights
  • 1.2 - Updated Thread with another link that was missing to make the Plane work(Sorry about that!)
  • 1.3 - Added this post so I can keep better track of stuff I've done to the thread, and so you can see how we've evolved.
  • 1.4 - Found the last God D****** mod needed for this plane to work!
  • 1.5 - Added a video for all you whipper-snappers out there.
  • 1.6 - Added Bomber Aircraft Sub-Section

Edited by Dilin
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  brickbreak503 said:
Wow nice aircraft and mod! Try not to double post but edit your post.

The aircraft I made and the mod I love to, however if I didn't double post this thread was already at page 5+ with no posts and 300+ views. However I think I solved this by adding the extra mods I forgot, though I'm still forgetting one and I cant find it anywhere! It adds heavy parts that are super strong, these were required less the plane collapsed on spawn.

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  brickbreak503 said:
Oh ok sorry about that! But super strong heavy parts sounds good :P

And can I request a B-42?

Sure, I will try my best and if I have problems it may take some time, however in the end it WILL BE DONE!

I've already started on it and I am halfway done!

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  BigNose said:
Love the night scene in the end, you really showcased my Aviation Lights there, thanks! ;D

No Problem! I was going to do a Night Fly-By but the game crashed and fraps stopped recording when I ended it, So you got the clean version. :P

Also thank you for posting I need a bump every once in a while and it nice to have people post.

If you want a Real plane just request one!

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