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Complete wishlist of parts for new DLC's/Updates

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These are basically all the parts that I would love to be added through DLC's and updates. 

I plan on expanding this list everytime I think of something new and these are just the things that i can think of at this moment.

Feel free to leave feedback and suggestions.

WARNING: It's a pretty long list

KSP Modern Marvels DLC (I though Modern Marvels was a nice name for a DLC)




·         Merlin 1-D equivalent with Vacuum variant (1.25 meter with tankbutt, 0.625 meter without. Vacuum with 2.5 and 1.25 meter tankbutts and 0.625 without)

·         BE-4 equivalent (

·         Rutherford equivalent with Vacuum variant (new 0.3125 meter size. Vacuum variant with 1.25 and 0.625 meter tankbutts)

·         RL10 equivalent (1.25 meter buttless, 1.875 with tankbutt)

·         RS-68 equivalent (1.25 meter buttless. 2.5 meter tankbutt in the style of Delta 4)

·         RD-170 equivalent with 4, 2 and 1 nozzle variants (4 nozzle is 2,5 meters, 2 nozzle is also 2.5 meter, 1 nozzle is 1.875 meters with tankbutt and 1.25 meter buttless)

·         NK-33 equivalent (1.25 meters)

·         XRS-2200 equivalent (linear aerospike)

·         GEM equivalent with editable nozzles (change angle, 0.625 meter)

·         Space Shuttle SRB equivalent with segmented variants (You can choose how many segments you want it to have, 1.875 meters)

·         RS-88/SuperDraco equivalent with Launch Escape Mode (Full thrust regardless of throttle, radially attachable )

·         Solar Sail (1.25 meters undeployed)


·         Rework of the ‘Thumper’ to equivalate with AJ-60A with editable nozzle

·         Variant of the ‘Wolfhound’ with smaller nozzle*

·         Rework of the other stock engines to make them look better




·         Dragon 2 capsule equivalent (2.5 meters)

·         CST-100 Starliner equivalent (2.5 meters)

·         New Shepard crew capsule varient (1.875 meters)

·         Cygnus equivalent (1.875 meters)

·         Dreamchaser style cockpit (Mk1)

·         Passenger plane cockpit (2.5 meters)

·         Rover Cockpit, like the NASA MMSEV (not sure about this one yet)

·         New 0.3125 meter Probodobodyne probes for very small probes and landers


·         Mk1-3 Command Pod with Silver/Shiny metal variant

·         Mk3 and both Mk2 cockpits with heat shielded bottoms


Fuel tanks:


·         New 0.3125 meter size tanks with White, Black and Orange variants. Also with RCS versions

·         New 2.5 meter Liquid Fuel tanks for planes


·         New 2.5 and 3.75 meter tank variants in full White, full Black and Gray/Orange (plus a higher quality 3.75 meter standard variant and Orange variant)

·         New 1.25 meter tank variant in full Black

·         New 1.875 meter tank variant in full White and full Black*

·         0.625 meter tank redesign and more length variants. In full White, full Black and Silver/Grey variants

·         New Mk2 and Mk3 tanks with heat shielded bottoms

·         Redesigned smaller RCS tanks to better fit the larger ones


Command and Control:


·         Low profile RCS blocks like the ones used on Falcon 9


·         Redesigned reaction wheels with 1.875 and 0.3125 ones




·         Strut-like adapters between sizes

·         Structural tube adapters between sizes. i.e. hollow adapters

·         0.3125 to 0.625 meter adapter


·         Redesigned Girders and I-beams

·         Structural tube variant in black

·         Redesigned adapters in common style

·         Struts that snap on both ends




·         Multiple size docking port, can dock both normal and Jr. ports

·         Strut-like decouplers for 1.25, 2.5 and 3.75 meter sizes


·         Redesigned, animated docking ports

·         1.25 meter engine plate

·         New engine plate variant in full Black




·         1.25, 2.5 and 3.75 meter cargo bays


·         Mk3 and Mk2 Cargo sections with heat shielded bottoms

·         Redesigned Payload Fairings: Slimmer design that’s hollow. Think of it as a Structural Tube with Fairing capability




·         Grid fins, both SpaceX types and Soyuz/N1 types

·         Slanted nosecone in the style of the Atlas V SRB’s

·         Large FAT-465 Aeroplane Main Wing for large planes

·         Pointier 0.625 nosecone for SRB's and slanted 0.625 nosecone


·         1.875 meter nosecones*

·         Wing pieces with heat shielded bottoms




·         Landing legs in 3 variants. Falcon 9 (radial), New Shepard (radial) and New Glenn (2.5 meter and 3.75 meter variants) styles

·         Sideways retracting landing gear with shallower bays

·         Large, open structure wheels like the ones seen on that Batman-style Mars rover concept


·         RoveMax Model S3; basically a larger S2.




·         Tiny Radiator Panel, half the size of the small radiator panel

·         Black variant of heat shields




·         Electric Servos. Can be used in 3 separate way. 1: Can be setup to work as a fin, wing sections can be connected that will act as wings/fins. 2: Can be rotated on command using the UI or Custom Actions and 3: Can be set to continually rotate at a                given speed. Come in a variety of sizes

·         Electric hinges: Can be opened and closed on command either with the UI or Custom Actions. Come in a variety of sizes

·         Medium deployable solar panels in the style of Orion, Dragon and Soyuz

·         Round, deployable solar panels in the style of Orion

·         Round photovoltaic panels in the style of CST-100 Starliner

·         Massive solar panels like on the ISS


·         Redesign of RTG

·         Redesign of deployable solar panels



-Haven't come up with anything yet, maybe a 0.625 meter dish?




·         Camera; Can be placed onto any craft. It will photograph whatever it is aimed at and can send those images to the Tracking Station. Can be used while in orbit around a body to record it’s geography and create a map that can be used to find a                        suitable landing spot. It will only record a small section of the surface at any time, so making a complete map requires a polar orbit and time. Maps can be uploaded to the Tracking Station from the craft




·         New 2.5 meter Crew Cabin for planes

·         More powerful Launch Escape System in the style of SLS/Soyuz


·         Mk2 Crew Cabin with heat shielded bottom

·         Smaller radial parachutes

·         Redesigned Mk16, Mk16-XL and Mk25 parachutes so they look better


*Requires Making History DLC


New Mechanics:

·         Fairings are now solid and stuff can be attached to them.

·         Fairings can now partially be deployed from any chosen point upward. Players can now choose what part of the fairing separates and what part stays. It is also possible to have the top portion of a fairing stay attached to the craft, see the Launch Escape system of the Soyuz for an example.












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