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Fix for reentry VFX disappearing when the camera is far from the vessel


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I'm not a fan of this. Far enough you can't even see anything, yet the system still wastes resources on calculating it which  slows things down. Players actually used to move away from complex vehicles during reentry, to turn off the plasma and bring back the framerate up.

There should be a compromise with distance involved. Increase it if you will, but don't make it infinity. It serves no purpose and ruins framerate.

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Just a heads up: it's unclear what you are suggesting/asking here.

  1. Do you want the VFX to disappear, just at a different distance?
  2. Or do you want the background calculation of the VFX to stop as soon as they disappear?

The second one sounds like a no-brainer and I'm in favour of stopping the game engine from calculating stuff it is not actually using, especially when it's just visual stuff that has no effect on the physics.

The first one I'd like to be a slider of some kind in the graphics settings - let us adjust ourselves the max distance at which the VFX are rendered. It would not only help players choose their own compromise between visual bling and performance, but also allow for adapting to circumstances - normal play, recording, streaming, humongous craft, etc.

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On 10/30/2018 at 3:11 PM, swjr-swis said:

Just a heads up: it's unclear what you are suggesting/asking here.

  1. Do you want the VFX to disappear, just at a different distance?
  2. Or do you want the background calculation of the VFX to stop as soon as they disappear?

The second one sounds like a no-brainer and I'm in favour of stopping the game engine from calculating stuff it is not actually using, especially when it's just visual stuff that has no effect on the physics.

The first one I'd like to be a slider of some kind in the graphics settings - let us adjust ourselves the max distance at which the VFX are rendered. It would not only help players choose their own compromise between visual bling and performance, but also allow for adapting to circumstances - normal play, recording, streaming, humongous craft, etc.

It's not unclear at all. The title is part of latest official change log and I'm criticizing it.

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