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shoot wont auto deploy

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Did you hit the spacebar to stage the 'chute? Just so long as you do all the steps like in the tutorial it will work, so some detail got missed. So I think we need a lot of tiny details to figure out what is going wrong in your flight.



Edited by bewing
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Welcome to the forum :)

I assume you build something like this?
Just a flea, a capsule and a (para)chute, like alomst everybody does at the start of a career game?

Beside the min. pressure and the altitude, there is one more parameter which is important for a chute to open: speed! By default, a chute will just open, if the speed of your vessel is low enough so the chute will not be ripped apart by aerodynamic forces. Depending on your flight profile, your speed is probably just too high. You can easily see, if your speed is fine to open a chute by looking at the staging symbol.

There are 3 states for chutes:

1) Unsafe to open (red)

2) Risky to open (yellow)

3) save to open (no color/grey)

If you fly straight upwards, you will go up to ~20km before falling back to Kerbin. While falling back, you will obviously gain some speed again and this is where you will get some troubles: this design will be too fast for the chute to open as soon as you reaches an altitude of 2000m. To get around this issue, try to fly a curve instead of flying straight upwards so you will not accelerate too much during your descent.

edit: By activating the 'advanced tweakables' in your game settings, you can also allow the chute to open in an unsafe or risky situation but most times it will just destroy your chute ;)

Edited by 4x4cheesecake
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