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Translation Key Assignment

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I had no difficulty making a secondary key assignment for Kerbal RCS using the Up, Down, Right, Left Arrow keys for RCS translation.

I want to have the same secondary key assignment for my Craft RCS too.   So I assigned the same Arrow Keys as a secondary option for the I, K, J, L keys under Input/Flight/Translation.

However, when I'm in the craft and engage RCS, the IKJL keys continue to work as usual but my secondary arrow key assignments do not register at all???

How can I make this work?  ...or is this just a bug?  Anyone else have this problem?


Edit: I just solved it.  I noticed that when I assign those keys there are 3 additional on/off toggle buttons that appear:  Staging, Docking (Translation), Docking (Rotation) 

I only had the second one "Docking (Translation)" activated.  It's not intuitive at all what these buttons do.  In my case, I needed to have all 3 enabled.


Edited by XLjedi
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