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[KGSS] KGSS Journal #3 Challenge

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kk think i got this one within the rules tonight, used my craft for rescuing lost kerbins in atmo, burned at full throttle at less then 9km altitude just to prove no fuel bugs or anything and that it can easily reach that range if orbiting. anyways, rover is nothing special, just do a quick barrel roll to drop the rover and it deploys chutes and coast to the ground (all stock btw, can post .craft if anyone wants it)

<a href="http://s223.photobucket.com/albums/dd249/suprablaski/?action=view&current=screenshot21-2.png" target="_blank"><img src="http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd249/suprablaski/screenshot21-2.png" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

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Note the rover in the background as the delivery craft recovers from its roll and sets ASAS to fly home

<a href="http://s223.photobucket.com/albums/dd249/suprablaski/?action=view&current=screenshot26.png" target="_blank"><img src="http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd249/suprablaski/screenshot26.png" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

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my craft files - Hog Delivery Craft - http://www./file/vuvkioz2z4ikei4/Hog_Delivery_Craft.craft

Hog Rescue Jet - http://www./file/f42o38v3bzfdefj/Hog_Rescue_Jet.craft (Same plane without the Rover on top)

Edited by Suprablaski4
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I went with the "suborbital hop direct drop" trajectory approach, with a manned upper stage that contained enough additional fuel to finish boosting to orbit after dropping the lander on the correct trajectory. This has certain advantages - rapid deployment, it was 18 minutes MET from launch until the rover landed on location - but also means you're going to land in a general region rather than an exact location (unless you do detailed trajectory calculations/use mechjeb for landing alignment.) Aside from the rover and its instruments the craft is completely stock parts.

I also chose to demonstrate using a real science payload on the rover. In this case, the ISA MapSat sensor. If remote control systems were also included on the rover, you could use this system to gain high-detail topography for that region.

Launch is at about 30 degrees heading, 10 degree tilt from vertical as soon as I clear the tower. I only increase the tilt to about 20 degrees above 10 km, and leave it there until first stage burnout. I eyeball where my impact point would be at that point, to use for a later adjustment.


Once I hit apoapsis, I look at how much the impact point shifted to the west, and burn until my impact point is about that far to the east of the intended landing point.


Lander release immediately once on desired trajectory. I backed away from it with RCS after releasing it.


The remaining ship then uses the leftover fuel and some RCS to get into a stable (if highly eccentric) orbit.


Looks like it'll be on target!


Chutes open!




... on a hillside. The decoupler on the underside explodes if you go through any hard bounces and you have to use ] to switch to the lander itself after that, but the lander and payload on top survive. This pic was 5 seconds after that explosion, as you can see in the MET.


The rover eventually rolled to a stop intact and upright still, but when I went to the tracking station afterwards, it was deleted because my save is too cluttered with craft and deletes debris. Later on, I used RCS to de-orbit the manned ship safely.

Craft file available if needed!

Edited by khyron42
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