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RSS Clouds


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So before you think this is another person being stupid and not realize EVE doesn't work with RSS


it's stupid in a different way ok?


So basically I want to know an easy way to get clouds on KSP 1.3.1

I've tried RSSVE but it gives me the stupid ultra blue sky and the scatterer is broken. People say to switch to a different scatterer version, (3.20b?) but that doesn't help at all, it just makes the sky pitch black then.

RVE also isn't compatible with 1.3.1, so anyone know another way? (if it's to edit the configs of something please send the files/how to edit it)


Thank You!


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15 hours ago, Ultimate Steve said:

I managed to get it to work somehow. I think I have:

RSSVE 1.3.1-5

Scatterer 0.0324

EVE - I don't know which version but I'd assume an up to date 1.3.1 version would suffice.


I think that's it.

I'm testing that right now, will respond if it works.


Yeah it works! Thank you so much! Now my RSS looks great.

Edited by PewPewTrash
Answering myself without a need for double posting.
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