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What would be causing #autoLOC but only in specific circumstances? (MOLE Fulcrum engine)

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Take a look at this.


1) The localization dictionary.cfg is intact and looks fine.

2) The tech tree nodes have the proper names (#autoLOC_501122 is "very heavy rocketry").

3) In the Fulcrum.cfg:

				name__ = FulcrumRaptium
				description__ = Burn Raptium and Oxidizer.
				techRequired__ = veryHeavyRocketry
				moduleIsEnabled = true

So it says 'veryHeavyRocketry', not #autoLOC_501122. Where is it getting the autoLOC from? Why isn't it correlating with the dictionary entry?

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  On 12/30/2018 at 10:05 PM, Frostiken said:

So it says 'veryHeavyRocketry', not #autoLOC_501122. Where is it getting the autoLOC from?


That's because the tech nodes have two names, one that's referenced in the code 'veryHeavyRocketry', and the display name '#autoLOC_501122', which leads to the dictionary for localization. As for why the bug is happening I've got no idea.

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Probably a stock issue. I've played around with some configs of MOLE and Perkjets PartOverhaul, always ending with the same #autoLOC output. Just by changing the TechTree.cfg to not use the #autoLOC key but the actual titel it was possible to display the correct node name in the info window.

I'll open a new issue on the bugtracker for this.

edit: There it is: #20777

Edited by 4x4cheesecake
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