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need help with K1 Mun and/or Minmus program

princess venus

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hello this is the devlpoment page for the K1 Mun and/or minmus program and we need help from modelers and texture makers for the program.

whats the K1 program well basicly it's the russian N1 program but the kerbal version only the rocket has been done but i need help with the mothership and the lander since the real one did not need docking then this is the best idea for an apollo like landing.

i recomend working on the noyuz orbiter. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/3785-v1-2-1-Noyuz-Spacecraft-New-panels-available! just model a new orbital and service module. [ATTACH=CONFIG]32153[/ATTACH] and i need some one to model the LK lander [ATTACH=CONFIG]32154[/ATTACH] ML landing sequence [ATTACH=CONFIG]32216[/ATTACH]

what should the space craft have well look at the list below to find out:

MMS (Munar MotherShip):

RCS thusters+tank

Orbital engine+tank

ASAS+MechJeb at the sametime

EVA capable

Hold 2 kerbals

Have side droge chute+microflat decoupler

main chute

Landing engine like noyuz

Must fit in flarings

Must be strong for an abort

ML (Munar Lander):


Landing and asent engine+tank

ASAS+MechJeb at the sametime

EVA capable

Hold 1 kerbal

Have non retractable lader

Retractable landing legs

Must use a plugin to help menover in space

Must have fuel for landing, take off and move near the MMS

Must do same landing sequence at the origonal

For both:

must be 2 meters in diamiter and no more

Why help whell:

get full appreciation for your own work by me and the public

Name your ship with any sencable name aproved by the public

Have a go of giving K1 a repaint and show of to the public to vote

Show your progress on the development page

Edited by princess venus
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