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How to make a proper transfer window node for a highly inclined planets?

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I'm playing with Stock Size RSS mod, but that doesn't really make a difference here. On the screenshot below you can see all the planets are having almost the same orbit inclination, but the Pluto's inclination is huge. The problem with that is that if I try to use Transfer Window Planner it's either I can't get close enough and enter it's SOI due to inclination or Neptune is blocking my way (well I guess I could wait a cycle in that case). Same thing might happen with Ceres or Vesta.


Edited by Actually_New_KSP_Player
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Transfer at the An or Dn, to a little above or below Pluto's orbit, and time it so that Pluto is less than a year away (behind or ahead, respectively). Since the Ap is so high, your inclination change will be cheap -- and then you just need to circularize and wait for Pluto to grab you.


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Assuming you want to accomplish this with a small amount of delta-v one of the better ways to do it is by using Jool/Jupiter. 

This gives you two advantages:

1) The gravity assist from Jupiter will lower the delta-v needed to increase your orbit out to Pluto

2) You can use the large planet for a really cheap inclination change (as you approach Jupiter use a small normal/anti-normal, depending on the direction of the inclination change, burn so that you encounter Jupiter above/below its equator)


As a side note, although in theory it would be possible to intercept a large inclination planet without matching its inclination, its darn difficult...  like trying to shoot a moving car, except the car is traveling 500mph.  

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