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VTOL. mods used: OA floodlights, damned aresospace, and damned robotics


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well i designed a VTOL called the hummingbird since hummingbirds can hover and whatnot.... well, lets cut to the chase. this jet is a turbine(damned aerospace) powered VTOL. its lift rating isn't very high so u should always keep its nose pointed up. now, time to get serious.

how to start flying: activate the jet but keep the throttle off. tilt the turbines using 9 and 0 to a vertical position. increase throttle slowly with AP on. then once you are about 100 to 200 meters in the air turn the turbines forward. its OK if the jet starts tilting up when u do it. its actually good cause it will keep the jet from starting to lose altitude and it WILL lose altitude.(don't try to fly off the runway like a normal jet like i said the turbines are the only thing lifting it up so its hard to do it without tilting the turbines up a little. to land it its vice versa

now pics.


this is a pic of it on stand by


this is it starting to take off. its unstable at first but you'll get the hang of it.


this is after i switched into horizontal mode.


this is where i fly off into the night.


i was coming in for an aproach


i failed to land and flipped :(


Edited by deker13
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