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Hey guys! I need your help with mission ideas...


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So I just unexpectedly built myself an amazing SSTO and the first test flight turned into a mission to Laythe and back with a pit stop at Duna for fuel. Here’s a link to that mission. 


Now my question is pretty obvious from the title, but I was wondering if anyone knows of any cool planets/moons to visit next? I don’t think Intrepid(name of SSTO) could handle a trip to Eve and back. Could probably land, but then a difficult rescue mission would need to happen for the crew to not have a new home on Eve which I imagine wouldn’t be too pleasant haha. I’d preferably have this be an exploration mission, but if anyone can think of any fun use for this SSTO I’d greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance! Oh, and once a mission is decided I promise I’ll post results, success or failure. 

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Since you've established that you can make it to Laythe and back with the Intrepid, you might want to return to Jool for some of the other moons. You can also fly to Dres or, if you want a real challenge, Eeloo or Moho.

  • Make sure your delta-V numbers check out, and you may want to trade in your parachutes for reverse RCS thrusters for the landing (parachutes won't work on planets without atmospheres)


Personally, I'd go with Dres. I've already made great progress there so far, and I'm currently awaiting a transfer window. Notice I wasn't specific as to where, since I'm debating over whether or not I should just head straight home (1Y68D) or Duna (2Y314D) before going home - check out the entry from Y7-D293-3H00M for further details.

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Wow! Really like the work you’ve done on Dres Mars-Bound Hokie, it’s definitely an idea. I had imagined places like Dres, Eeloo, and Moho to be nothing but lumps of rock but they’re worth visiting it would seem. The biggest challenge for sure would be Moho. Before my last mission I had no clue how to execute gravity assists, but after realizing just how much fuel it would take to capture around Jool the old fashioned way, I started messing with maneuver nodes and got pretty good at using the moons to capture around Jool and ultimately get me to Laythe. Guess it’s time I step it up and use planets this time instead of moons? I have an idea brewing about some kind of grand tour.  I could even kind of include Eve if I put some kind of science probe in Intrepids cargo bay and drop it into the atmosphere. Maybe while I’m using Eve for a gravity assist..?


One thing I should have mentioned in my original post. I’m using KSP Enhanced for Xbox one so I can’t use mods at all. Not even for deltav or any of that which is upsetting considering my last game was on my MacBook and I had just figured out how to install RSS/RO and everything that goes with that.  The only reason I even have the game on Xbox is because my computer decided to crash and it’s the only way I can play. Stinks it’s such an old version too.. 1.6 looks amazing I feel I’m missing lots of good stuff (like deltav stats!!!)as I haven’t played since 1.4 on computer. 

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